Monday, June 14, 2010

Nashville is Hot!!

Friday started off pretty tame. We went shopping at Target. Yep. That’s just how cool we are. We go on vacation across the country and we go shopping at a chain we have at home. Go us. Well the reason for this silly trip was that Josh had two pairs of jeans with him when he left in February as well as some boots and a Carhartt jacket. Toto and I forced a bunch of shorts and t-shirts and sandals on him so he might be able to stay cool during this crazy heat they have here in Tennessee. It’s scary hot here. 95 to 100 degrees and nearly 20 million percent humidity. Not loving it. It makes me miss the crazy Oregon weather, where at least the sun and the rain and the heat and the cool are tolerable and I do not feel like I am about to melt into a puddle on the sidewalk.

After said shopping trip, we went to a mansion called Belmont Mansion. It is currently on the campus of Belmont University, but was once the summer home (and then permanent residence) of a very headstrong and intelligent woman during the 1800’s. is the website, where you will find some information on it. I enjoyed the tour very much. I have always had a thing for antebellum (antebellum means pre-civil war) mansions, and it was nice to finally get to see one, let alone go into it and tour it. We were not allowed to take pictures inside of it, which made Toto unhappy, but she obeyed the rules.

Later that evening, we had plans to have dinner with Jeremy and his girlfriend Becky who I had heard a great deal about but had not actually met yet. I was excited. We drove around prior to meeting up with them, and discovered the Dukes of Hazzard museum over across from the Opryland Mall (which is closed due to horrible damage to the entire complex from the flooding that the Cumberland River did in April). The great thing about this museum was that it was actually owned by the guy who played Cooter on the original TV show. They had all four of the original cars there (Daisy’s Jeep, The General, Cooter’s tow truck and Roscoe’s patrol car) and for ten dollars you can get your picture taken in them all. The guy who works there cut us a deal. We paid for Josh to get his picture taken because he is the one who likes to sport the rebel flag and be all rebel like, but because it was Toto, Josh, Jer, Becky and I, he let us take pictures of whoever in all the cars. He was pretty nice.

After that little adventure, we went to the restaurant (which was across the parking lot) and ate at Caney Fork Fish Camp where we got to experience some real southern food. For an appetizer we had deep fried dill pickles in a chipotle ranch sauce. Sounds kind of icky right? WRONG. They were fantastic. They were salty and the batter was just crunchy enough, I wish the plate had magically refilled itself a few times. Toto had catfish for dinner, while I had a half rack of ribs and Josh had a steak. Although I did not have southern food for my main course, I had hush puppies on the side, and stole bits of Josh’s fried Okra all night.

Jeremy and Becky wanted to show us a good time so we went out to a “nightclub” (it was really a honky tonk) that let kids 8 and up in. We had a few drinks (even Josh managed to sneak a few after I had the DJ announce that he had just graduated from AIT and people wanted to buy him drinks). It was a fun night. We got back to the hotel around midnight and all of us crashed pretty hard. We must have been tired or something!

License Plates Seen

No Playlist either

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